Three small poker game listed below Simple Indian Poker Rule:
1:Each player will start with 30 coins.
2:You can only see your opponent's card.
3:There will be 20 cards, once all 20 cards have been used, deck will be reshuffled.
4:If you have card 10 but decide to quit, you lose 10 more coins.
5:Whenever a player is out of coin, he lose.
Double Indian Poker Rule:
1:Each player will start with 30 coins.
2:You can see both of your cards, but only one card from your opponent.
3:Whoever has the largest card of 4 cards wins.
3:There will be 40 cards, once all 40 cards have been used, deck will be reshuffled.
4:Whenever a player is out of coin, he lose.
Black and White Indian Poker Rule:
1:Each player will start with 9 cards.You can only see yours.
2:Even cards will appear to your opponent as white blocks, odd cards will appear as black.
3:Each time, you can choose one card to compete with your opponent's card.
4:The bigger card wins, and winner will gain 1 point. If even, on one get point.
5:Once all cards have been used, who has higher points win.